Ree Nancarrow: Sharing the World I Know
Alaska State Museum - Juneau
December 6, 2024 - March 15, 2025
Sharing the World I Know is a new solo exhibition featuring quilt works by Fairbanks art quilter Ree Nancarrow.
For 50 year, Nancarrow watched as small tundra ponds outside her window called Deneki Lakes. She tracked the shifting habitat at the lake as the water level dropped over time. Fewer species live there now.
Ree will give a talk about her work on Saturday, December 7 at noon in the APK Lecture Hall.
Ree is one of six artists selected for the Alaska State Museum 2024-2026 Solo Artist Exhibition Series along with Myesha Callahan Freet, Shgendootan George, Ree Nancarrow, Golga Oscar, and Tamara Wilson.
Image: Advancing Destruction, Ree Nancarrow
©Friends of the Alaska State Libraries, Archives and Museum.
FoSLAM is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Juneau, AK , P.O. Box 22421, Juneau, AK 99802